Scritch a pup's ears and you'll have a new friend. |
Woof Camp 2013 |
Celebrating its sixth year, Woof Camp 2013, the free annual puppy party held at International Mr. Leather in Chicago, IL, was held on Saturday night, May 25th from 9-11pm at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile in the Avenue Ballroom. This year due to limited space, the event was a “Private Session” where only pups/dogs/wolves and Handlers/Trainers could attend. The side doors of the room were left open so others could view the pup and Handler interactions.
This year's Woof Camp party attracted roughly 110 pups/dogs/wolves and 65 Handlers/Trainers throughout the night. While supplies lasted, 125 free commemorative pins in the shape of a dog house with the words “Woof Camp” on it were given to the canines and Handlers/Trainers who attended. Comments are overwhelmingly positive about how much those who attended enjoyed this year's event, in spite of the smaller room size and a few other technical difficulties.
As in prior years, Woof Camp 2013 offered both an Active and Quiet area, multiple water stations, storage tables for gear/clothes as well as the free Pet Portraits taken by volunteer photographer pup cockpit. The group photo at 10:50pm was then taken by Keith S. and pup cockpit. Thanks to those pups/dogs/wolves and Handlers/Trainers who participated in the group photo. |
Some of the fun that occurred during the event were: a red dot laser pointer which drove the pups crazy chasing it all over the floor; playing with multiple large inflatable beach balls; assorted soft and squeaky pup toys; and chasing/popping an assortment of latex balloons. Once again the eight piñatas of assorted shapes were a huge hit. Unbeknownst to attendees was that in addition to the assortment of soft toys stuffed inside each piñata, there were also eight squeaky food-shaped toys which represented a $75 gift certificate donated by Scott of SquarePeg Toys. I and some of the volunteer Handlers rounded up the following pups who were the lucky winners: Pup McTavishes, Pup Bruiser, Pup Hercules, Pup Snuggles, Pup Niko, Pup Dakota, Pup Nibbles and “pup”.
Unlike the past few years, and due to limited space, there were no “surprise” guest appearances. The surprise guests “might” make a return in 2014 depending on space availability.
To see photos of this year's Woof Camp 2013 check out the “Prior Woof Camps” tab.
IML's Official Photographer Rich Stadtmiller also stopped by and took some pictures of the event which can be seen here. |
As always, I want to express my appreciation and gratitude for everyone who attended Woof Camp 2013. Ultimately it is a group of volunteers who make this event possible, to them I want to especially bark out a huge “Thank You”!!! |
First and foremost is Scott Douglas of SquarePeg Toys (maker of the original silicone puppy tails). Without his ongoing financial support, helpful advice/input, and his support of the pup community in general, Woof Camp might not be the “free” and successful party that it has been for the past six years. Please make sure to shop from his wide selection of erotic silicone toys and support his business at SquarePegToys.com as he continues to support our pup community. |
The second volunteer I owe so much to is my pup, pup cockpit, who never ceases to amaze me with his eagerness, willingness and behind the scenes drive to make sure everyone has a fantastic experience. He dislikes being in the spotlight but I want the pup community to know just how much he does for the community, both for Woof Camp and all the other pup events he attends across the country, as well as how many pups’ lives he has touched by meeting, interacting and being so encouraging to them. I am still grateful that he accepted when I asked to adopt him as my pup. Thank you pup for enriching my life. |
Third is my precious Wolf, for being your upbeat self, for the love that keeps me going, for all the little and huge things that you do for me, thank you for making my life easier and for helping me see the lemonade in the lemons life threw my way this year. |
Fourth, to my Handler, for being your loving and supporting self, for being as behind-the-scenes kink-community driven as I am, for helping me to “be present”, for the scritches, pettings and nuzzles, our adventurous walks and for chasing Frisbee's! |
Finally Woof Camp would not have occurred without the volunteer help of the pups/dogs/wolves and Handlers/Trainers who, when I howled out a call for help, came forward and pitched in to make the party happen. “Thank You” for giving of yourselves, your time, and your “can do” attitude and energy; I am continually awed and extremely grateful by everyone's willingness to pitch-in. |
The following are those who deserve howls and a-paws [in alphabetical order] for helping with Woof Camp 2013: (I apologize in advance to anyone who I may have inadvertently overlooked, and if you notice someone missing, please do let me know.)
Abel C. [Handler]
Austin [Set-up]
Brix [Set-up]
Gunner [Set-up, Handler, Tear-Down]
Gus C. [Handler]
Jack G. Jr. [Set-Up, Handler, Tear-down]
Jason S. [Set-up, Front Door Security, Handler, picked up/brought piñatas]
Keith S. [Set-up, Tear-down, Group Photo, Official Woof Camp Photographer]
Keith S. [Handler]
LthrDevilPup [Door Security, Handler, Pet Portrait Props, orange fencing/painters tape pick up and delivery]
Master Richard [Set-up, Handler]
Master Tom [Front Door Security]
Piglet [Set-up]
Pug [Set-up]
Pup Az [Set-up]
Pup Cockpit [Set-up, Pet Portraits photographer, piñatas stuffer, Group Photo, Official Woof Camp Photographer, Tear-down and Personal Assistant to Brue]
Pup Loki [Set-up, Handler, Tear-Down]
Pup Snuggles [Hotel reconnaissance, Set-up]
Pup Spot [Set-up, Tear-down]
Pup Storm [Set-up]
Pup Striker [Set-up]
Pup Studpup [Front Door Security]
Pup Zeus [Front Door Security]
Rich Stadtmiller [Official IML Photographer]
Richard B. [Orange fencing/painters tape pick up and delivery]
Sir Creig N. [Set-up]
Sir Luph [Front Door Security]
Skwish [Handler, water station refill]
Slave Pup Axel [Front Door Security]
Wolf F. [Personal Assistant to Brue]
Zachary G. [Set-Up, Handler, piñatas stuffer, Tear-down]
I look forward to seeing everyone next year at Woof Camp 2014. Keep your eyes and ears alert when January 2014 comes around!
Woof Camp 2013 Producer
(tired wags)